Season 2 - Bonus Materials
Trailer, Guest Episodes, and More
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Season 2 Trailer
April 30th, 2024
Join host Heather Freeman for Season 2 of Magic in the United States! Catch a new episode every Tuesday, starting May 7th.
“Fairies in the Attic” by Black Velvet Fairies
June 17th, 2024
After a strange voicemail about the death of her grandmother, Lucy Verdell travels to an isolated island she hasn’t visited since she was a child. Odd occurrences and powerful memories lead her to four black velvet paintings hidden in the attic — paintings of grim beings best described as ‘fairies’. The discovery unlocks a flood of emotions that surprises Lucy and prompts her to find out more about the unusual artwork.
To delve deeper into the Black Velvet Fairies story-world, visit EmeraldAnvil.com
Cast and crew credits can be found at https://www.imdb.com/title/tt31867160/
Joseph Smith's Martydom Canes by Angels and Seerstones
August 5th, 2024
Latter-day Saints are a people of radical faith. Their tradition is one in which angels visit everyday people and sometimes men and women see the divine in stones. In this podcast series, hosts Christine and Chris Blythe, examine the lived religion of Latter-day Saints, the stories they tell, and the beliefs they debate. Christine and Chris are professional folklorists and LDS converts who openly profess their faith while exploring the traditions of their chosen people. In this episode of Angels and Seerstones, Christine and Chris discuss the "martyrdom canes," relics that were made from the blood-soaked boards that transported the murdered bodies of Joseph and Hyrum Smith from Carthage to Nauvoo, Illinois. They discuss how these canes were used and where they ended up. Listen to more of their episodes at https://angelsandseerstones.buzzsprout.com/
Thorn Mooney and 'Witches Among Us'
September 3rd, 2024
Thorn Mooney is a religious studies PhD student at UNC Chapel Hill, an author, magical practitioner, and a witch.
She also has a new book about witches and witchcraft, but this one is for non-practitioners. In her new book, Witches Among Us, Thorn “dispels common misconceptions while delving into what it means to be a witch, including beliefs and practices.”
Heather Freeman did a YouTube live-streamed interview of Thorn on August 15th, 2024, where they talked about her book, being a magical practitioner in academic spaces, and how the language we use about magic, religion, and witchcraft has meaning and nuance.
Watch the whole interview: https://www.youtube.com/@HeatherFreeman/streams
Thorn's blog and social media links: https://thornthewitch.wordpress.com/
Silver Daniels Interview Excerpt
October 8th, 2024
Silver Daniels was raised Wiccan by his mom. But as a young adult, he eventually found his way to Lucumí.
We met Silver in Season 2, Episode 2: The Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye, and learned about Wicca in both Season 1, Episode 1: Magical Remixing and Season 2, Episode 1: The Starry Minos.
Listen to these episodes first to catch all the nuance, and enjoy Silver's fun storytelling!
Second Sunday - Finding Freedom in Buddhism with Angelica Ross
October 29th, 2024
Angelica Ross, the actress and advocate, joins Second Sunday's Esther and Darren to explore the unexpected path that led her from the Church of God in Christ to practicing Buddhism for the last thirteen years. Raised in a religious household, Angelica felt a calling to explore spirituality outside the confines of tradition. She opens up about the relationship with her mother and the profound forgiveness and freedom she discovered through her Buddhist practice.
Second Sunday is a podcast about Black queer people finding, keeping, and sometimes losing faith in the Black church. Join hosts Darren and Esther as they take turns exploring the journey of each guest as they navigate religion, spirituality, culture, and identity. You’ll love this show if you have questions about religion, grew up around the Black church, and want to hear perspectives and a tiny bit of advice from people who have survived challenging moments and complicated feelings. Most of all, you’ll love this show if you enjoy listening to hosts who crack jokes first and ask questions later. Tune in to Second Sunday on The Qube or wherever you get your podcasts.
To learn more about this episode and podcast, visit: